Semi-automatic strapping machine for packaging.

StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine | Gordian Strapping

Strap Your Pallets Efficiently with the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine

Are you tired of manual pallet strapping that takes a lot of time and effort? The StraPack AQ-7PLT is here to revolutionize your pallet strapping experience with its semi-automatic strapping machine that offers you efficient and economical pallet strapping. This machine, designed and manufactured by StraPack – a world leader in strapping technology – has been engineered to provide fast and effective strapping for most kinds of pallets with the use of polypropylene or polyester strapping.

Gordian Strapping, a trusted name in packaging and strapping technology, is proud to offer the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine to customers who need a reliable and easy-to-use machine for their pallet strapping needs. So, if you’re looking to optimize your packaging process, the StraPack AQ-7PLT is the perfect solution for you.

Benefits of Using the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine

The AQ-7PLT is an innovative machine that performs pallet strapping quickly, efficiently, and economically. It is easy to set up and use, and it ensures that the strapping is done securely. Some of the key benefits of using this machine are:

● Fast and efficient strapping: The AQ-7PLT is designed to strap pallets quickly and efficiently. It can strap up to 24 pallets per hour, which is significantly faster than manual strapping.

● Versatile strapping options: The machine can use both polypropylene and polyester strapping for pallets, making it a versatile option for different packaging needs.

● Cost-effective strapping: The machine’s semi-automatic nature optimizes the use of strapping material, making it an economical option for companies that need to strap their pallets regularly.

● Easy to operate: The AQ-7PLT is user-friendly and requires minimal training to operate. This makes it a convenient option for companies that need a reliable machine for their packaging process.

Operating the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine

The AQ-7PLT is a user-friendly machine that requires minimal training to use. The machine has a control panel that enables you to adjust the tension, strapping time, and sealing temperature. Here’s how to operate the machine:

1. Place the pallet on the table and position the strapping around it.

2. Press the start button, and the machine will tension the strapping and seal it.

3. Once the strapping is secured, the machine cuts it automatically.

4. Repeat the process on the other sides of the pallet until it is fully strapped.

Maintaining the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine

Regular maintenance is essential for prolonging the machine’s lifespan and ensuring that it operates optimally. Here are some quick maintenance tips:

● Regularly oil the moving parts to ensure smooth operation.

● Check the strapping regularly to ensure it is not worn or damaged.

● Clean the machine after use to prevent dust accumulation.

Choosing the Right Supplier for the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine

Gordian Strapping is a trusted supplier of StraPack’s AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine. As a leading packaging and strapping technology provider, we offer you top-of-the-line products and excellent customer service. When you buy the AQ-7PLT from Gordian Strapping, you can expect:

● Professional installation of the machine by our team of experts

● Comprehensive training on how to operate the machine

● Ongoing support through our customer service team


The StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine is a game-changer for pallet strapping. It is fast, efficient, and economical, making it a versatile option for businesses that need a reliable strapping machine. Gordian Strapping is the right supplier to contact if you want to buy this machine. Our team of experts will provide you with expert installation, comprehensive training, and ongoing support. Contact us today to purchase the StraPack AQ-7PLT Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine for your packaging needs.

#StraPackAQ7PLT #SemiAutomaticStrappingMachine #GordianStrapping #Packaging #StrappingTechnology #PolypropyleneStrapping #PolyesterStrapping #FastStrapping #CostEffectiveStrapping #EasyToOperate #MachineMaintenance #ExpertInstallation #ComprehensiveTraining #CustomerService #ReliableStrappingMachine